Best way we have discovered that keeps your Stainless Appliances looking New is to use affresh™ Stainless steel cleaner and a clean microfiber cloth.
If appliances have visible grime and food, take a clean microfiber cloth and a little warm soapy water to wipe down surface (always wipe with the grain of the stainless steel). Then take the same cloth, rinse it well and wipe down surface again, removing soapy residue.
Use a dry microfiber cloth and to spray the affresh™ Stainless steel cleaner on the cloth, NOT on the appliance (I usually just give it 2 squirts – don’t saturate the cloth)
Wipe entire surface in the direction of the grain.
Flip microfiber cloth over and buff surface using a little elbow grease until shiny!
Do NOT use anything abrasive, such as steel wool or scrubber sponges. These may scratch the finish.
Never clean in circular motion or against the grain. Always clean stainless steel with the grain.
Never use chlorine bleach on stainless steel. It will ruin the finish.
Do not allow residue to sit on surface. Grime, dirt and cleaning products should be removed as soon as possible.
Do not expect stainless steel to look beautiful on it’s own. It’s going to take a little elbow grease and good daily maintenance to keep it looking shiny.
Not only using the affresh™ Stainless steel cleaner on all of your stainless steel appliances daily will keep them looking like new, but I REALLY think the key is to use a microfiber cloth and to spray the affresh™ Stainless steel cleaner on the cloth, NOT on the appliance.